BaD BoY oF My DaRkeSt DrEaMs  

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Siento que mi cuerpo arde
En lava estelar de Marte,
Tan solo sentir tu toque dentro de mis
Subconscientes dominios de lo posible.

Cuando llega la oscuridad, tan solo tus orbes moccha y tu adictiva sonrisa,
Pueden arquear en mí el deseo reprimido por miles de años atrás.

Llegaste a curar mi peluchón
Que tanto sufrido intoxicamiento le tocó.

Me aferras a tí, como chico malo, amante posesivo; diciendo a lo ancho y a lo ajeno:
¡Que ni osen ojos ajenos a posar sobre este jade adueñado!
¡Ni rozar esta piel almendrada o deleitarse de estos labios carnosos
Encapullados por la primavera!

Con tu visión penetrante me dices,
Con tus orbes me confiesas que de verdad
Sí me atesoras y que lo demás a nuestro alrededor

No esta más presente más que yo en tu planeta virginal.

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FrOzEn FiRe, CoLdEsT SuMmEr Of My HeArT  

Ardientes llamas del verano
Que no cesan, ni se mitigan en cenizas.

Frías olas de la Antártica
Siguen su curso hasta el Pacífico.
En el cual de ellas se encuentra mi corazón:
O flameante o como gélida sustancia llamada hielo,
Que pudo conmigo para siempre.

Verde las lentejas, verde es el bosque;
Pero no se si verde se quedara
La esperanza de amar 1 vez más, que tuvo esta reverenda torpe.

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The most precious thing i lost forever  

It’s been two days since I forced him to say goodbye forever. I shouldn’t have pushed him that far, instead I must have said that I’m sorry for hurting him, for saying rude comments to every nice word, compliment and how beautiful, special I am to him. I still can’t get it to my mind when that day he told he still like me even though we were far away and been almost two years since he left from Lima to star a new life over to LA.

I’m feel guilty and bad for telling him about Nathan to make it sound like Dai dai was more special and precious to me, when I know that he still have my heart. For remembering his smile, smug- smartass comments in a funny way that makes me smile and laugh from ear to ear. Just picturing his face or smile, makes flutter badly inside me. I would laugh, smile like silly girl who had read some funny jokes. I still miss our conversations of everything and nothing.

I know I don’t have any rights to even dream about him, ‘cause he has rights to star over in his new home and to find love again. What if he has already dating or if he is an item with another girl and is way more thoughtful, funny and beautiful and I still think of him? It’s not right, mustn’t get worried about him, he has the Monster and the guys. I’m nothing compared to what he really need for his life. He likes children, I do not. He might like red roses or black prince, mines are tulips and lilies.

What we may be alike is that we don’t know what the other likes in most stuff, what is our favorite color, food, hobbies. We just shared some our dreams, that doesn’t mean we are meant to be, right???

He still did not notice that I lied about me blocking him. The truth is I did block him and deleted him from my account. But then I started missing him tons, missed our talks on msn, missing his comments, how he cared about me, how he went through his day. That’s why I added him again, just to see him from afar when he was online and I pretended to be busy or offline. I did not expect him to talk to me again neither now that I have screwed up everything of our friendship. I bet he would really this time make my “wishes” his commands. He won’t contact me anymore and I don’t know what to do to make it up to him.

I shouldn’t have been so stubborn and selfish. I must have got over his silly mistake of not getting my email right and talk like we used to. But now I have to face the consequences of my actions and getting remorse for what I had caused. I won’t know what to do if we crossed paths again. Would he still look at me with sorrowful eyes for his “mistake” or would look at me with resentment and hate? A look I never had pictured in him since we first met. But we know that a man has a limit line of patience on whoever it is; and I am that crossed his line, and might have pissed him off in the process. I don’t found surprise if he treat me badly from now on if I bump into him.
Moreover I should be the one looking ashamed of my behavior and looking down to the floor letting him tell me off, for I must paid the price of being disrespectful towards the only I had fall that long and hard, a special person that I could confide in everything and that had encouraged me to carry on in the treatment of my legs when I wasn’t ok.

For he deserves someone better, I must let him go from now on of my heart, life and spirit.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My dragon name is Meceron the Harmless one (Red Dragon).
Take Dragon Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

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My dragon name is Ortinbras the Lightning Breather (Green Dragon).
Take Dragon Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

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Fahrenheit Ft. Hebe[S.H.E.] - Zhi Dui Ni You Gan Jue  

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Heard this amazing song.. love it till i melt...And thanks so much to Tradulyrics for their hard work in translating in english and spanish this song, makes it more understandable to me, and since i know more less chinese mandarin, the translation is quite awesome, challenge me to learn more chinese... heheheh

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When Mr. Valentine arrives, he sucks and you must deal with him...  

What a freak St. sucked and much more, that night was about to end, and my torture about to turn to bliss... but he had to appear out the blue to tell me... Happy St. Valentine... how I hate him...why???!!!!


Either he can't forget me (which i doubt since I'm easy to forget and replaceable) or he just want to indirectly want to tell me that he got a new girlfriend and taking this sorry excuse of Valentine to rub it on my face with the innocent.. "Happy St. Valentine... I know you wanted me to not talk to you, but I consider you my MVP friend" thingy...

Bullshit.. lies and lies.. 'Cause of lies in love, I suffered breakdowns, thought to kill myself to stop the pain, and dreamed of him in the most impossible way almost every night...

Don't want to go back to that... Neither there's a chance in the future he would want to pursue me for I am older than him...

I can dream all i want, but can't hope for reality to make it happen..

Sacrifice my feelings so that he can live happily with someone else 1000 folds better than me... Deserve something better, can do much better without a useless like me.

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Elixir de vida Eterna, Elixir de Viuda Negra  

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Existe un elixir, un elixir que cura penas,
un elixir en un santiamén.

Esposas abnegadas, amantes quebrantadas, puppies' love perdidos;
su camino trazaron para poder llegar en su encuentro.

Dicen que el tiempo y Dios cerrara heridas,
mas profundas que las arterias,
mas escondidas que en el centro de la tierra,
mas ciertas que el propio subconsciente.

Sigo a paso lento hacia ese atesorado elixir,
¿por que lo busco sabiendo que se esfumara en mi manos?
¿por que deliro por rozar mis dedos por sus contornos
sabiendo que lo perderé una vez y para siempre?

Agonizando por que se derrame
como seda por mis labios,
captor de este mundo ancho y ajeno;
tal vino que seduce a cada ticktado
de cada efímero segundo,
de los minutos que cuento en el
territorio de Lord Afternoon.

Enumero mis pensamientos
de la última odisea que un Poseidón hecho Adonis
quiso sembrar en mi corazón;
llevándome a la conclusión que el elixir es
de su dominio, que es él el verdugo que sirve
con sus propios labios el veneno mafioso
con el cual empieza el principio del fin.

A paso lento retrocedo escapo de su santuario,
dispuesta vivir y sufrir sin necesidad de elixir,
sin necesidad de sus labios, sin necesidad de anhelar
su cuerpo junto al mio.

Solo mis sueños me acompañaran
mas él en el pasado ya quedará.

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CrUeL VeRdAd: De RoJo PaSiÓn a RoJo DoLoR  

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tus abrazos podrán ser pretensión,
Tus labios mi gran perdición.

Hoy deseo que me ames,
Como cuando te fuiste a declararte.
Quiero que me ames por lo que soy,
No por lo que pretendas que sea hoy.

Con sabor amargo yo te ame,
Aun sabiendo el final que iba a ver.
No me importo que no te interesara,
Me bastaba con que tu me hablaras.
Solo oír tu voz alegraba el fin del día,
Solo compartiendo nuestras experiencias era lo que mas quería.

Pero te divertías cuando yo mas te necesite,
Estabas en tu mundo cuando mas te suplique.
Ahora Dios me ha dado un nuevo porqué,
Estando tu solo en este vicioso vaivén.

Olvidarte desde hace mucho ya pretendo,
Evitarte es mi empleo.
Que me odies con toda tu pasión,
Sera mi gran desazón.

Quisiera decirte que no te paro de amar,
Pero entiendo que liberarte debo ya.
Los cuentos de hada por miles de años no cambiaran,
Mas tus sentimientos con otra ya están.

A tantas has besado ya,
Que mi corazón esta a punto de estallar.
No puedo gritarte, no puedo reclarmarte;
Tampoco odiarte, solo preocuparme.

Por siempre no te puedo esperar,
Pues ya mi muerte anunciada esta.

No se cuando te volviste celoso y envidioso,
Por el solo hecho de haber conocido a otro.
Nuestros caminos apartados sera lo mas beneficioso,
En este mundo tan cruel y poco precioso.

Antes de abandonar este lugar,
Mi venganza yo he de saciar.

Mi corazón yo haré arder,
Con aborrecimiento y desprecio yo te tratare.
Por tu indiferencia y traición haz de desfallecer,
Tras convertir este ser en un “nunca mas te amare”.

De rodillas misericordia me pedirás,
Que te ame por el resto de la eternidad.
Por cuanto no supiste a este ángel atesorar,
A esta dragona y su furia haz de enfrentar.

Aunque a miles de estrella fugaces tus deseos querrás alzar,
Aunque fueras el ultimo en este planeta virginal;
A las consecuencias te tendrás que atentar,
Porque esta demás decir que tus sueños nunca se harán realidad.

Una vez fui tierna, ingenua y solidaria,
Pero hoy aprendí a ser fría, astuta y egoísta.

Ojos inocentes se llenaron de realidad,
Para poder protegerse de tanta maldad.
Su corazón no quiere compartir,
Por miedo a que se lo vayan a destruir.

Solo mi nombre tu gritaras,
Por todo el placer que te voy a infiltrar.
Caricias nunca antes experimentadas,
Deseo y tortura que nunca se apaga.

Solo quiero estar tranquila,
Aun si la muerte es mi única salida.

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